“Green Spice is curated by their celebrity head chef, who is known for serving renowned individuals such as Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, and Laxmi Mittal. The restaurant is adorned with contemporary art, setting an inviting mood with ambient lighting. Their chefs, trained in the kitchens of India's top five-star hotels, infuse classical Indian cuisine from across the subcontinent with innovative concepts, crafting contemporary culinary masterpieces that delight even the most discerning palates. They promise to reshape your perception of Indian cuisine with its exhilarating flavours and subtle aromas. Green Spice invites you to savour a regal experience as they revive a 200-year-old culinary legacy from the kitchens of the majestic Awadhi Nawabs. The exceptional food, spacious and luxurious surroundings, a relaxed atmosphere, and high service standards make Green Spice an ideal venue for special occasions. Moreover, they offer special Takeaway, Party, and Festive menus, making it a perfect choice for house parties, wedding functions, and more. Green Spice also offers Dine-in and Takeaway.”
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