“Kumon offers Maths and English programmes for children and young people of all ages and abilities, from preschool to university. Kumon is an individualised learning method that allows each student to study. They have been helping the children of Perth for over 30 years. Their students currently range in age from three to 18 years old. Kumon's atmosphere is friendly and conducive to learning. Sandra Ritchie is the tutoring centre instructor, supported by a team of class assistants, many of whom are past Kumon students. Their role is to help mark and record work and assist the children with their studies. In addition, they provide a skills table for new and young students, supported by class assistants to help them with their study skills. Their programmes focus on essential academic skills to develop a child's independent study skills needed for school, university, employment and all other aspects of adult life. Kumon offers both online and offline classes.”
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