“'Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yuan's Herbs & Acupuncture' provides a selection of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) Consultation, individual formula herbs therapies and acupuncture treatments. Their primary objective is to enhance your well-being and simplify your life through a range of traditional Chinese therapies. They offer holistic treatments designed to harmonise the body's energy channels, restore equilibrium, and promote an overall sense of improved health. They use these traditional herbs and acupuncture treatments for ALL health problems, follow with TCM Consultation. With an extensive array of treatments, they ensure there is something beneficial and safe for everyone. Mr. Bing Sheng Yuan, who specialises in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture, leads the clinic, Boasts more than 35 years of experience in TCM clinical practice. Mr. Yuan's career includes a decade at the TCM Orthopaedics and Traumatology Hospital, followed by a role as the director of the TCM clinic department at the TCM Comprehensive Hospital for 6-7years. Before he opened his own TCM clinic in Doncaster, he also used as a TCM expert worked at Herbal Medical Ltd, Queensgate Shopping center for 1 and half years, and worked at Dr.TCM Ltd, upperstair in Frenchgate Shopping center for another 4 years. During his tenure, he not only treated patients but also provided training to TCM students and doctors; since 1997, he published more than 80 TCM acupuncture and herbs therapies articles. Contact them to schedule an appointment.”
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