“Ming Chen Clinics is a group of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) clinics. Ming is a registered acupuncturist in the clinic. She is trained with the Army Medical College of China. She received extensive training in traditional Chinese medicine in China. Ming Chen gives advice and support on all facets of health-related issues. The clinic is staffed by fully qualified, skilled and accredited practitioners who have practised in TCM, acupuncture and Western Medicine in China and the United Kingdom. They are committed to maintaining the balance of body and mind, which is a holistic approach to the person. The clinic has treated more than 70000 clients over the past two decades. They provide all their customers with access to a network of experts, brought together with the express purpose of offering extensive expertise and knowledge base, working closely with local GPs, physiotherapists, chiropractors and counsellors. They also have branches at 1239 Cathcart Road, Glasgow.”
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