“Backcare & Acupuncture Clinic provides assessment and treatment for various conditions using Acupuncture, Osteopathy, Clinical massage, Sports therapy massage and relaxation. Paul Clusker is the lead acupuncture practitioner at their Walsall Backcare & Acupuncture Clinic. He has been continuously involved in natural healthcare provision for almost 40 years. He is a certified acupuncturist by the British Medical Acupuncture Society and a Member of the British Acupuncture Association. He specialises in providing treatment for those with pain, stress and mobility issues. He aims to keep learning how to guide people to get well faster and stay healthy longer. He and his dedicated team are here to help you achieve your desired freedom. He offers the FMS (Functional Movement Screen) to produce individualised exercise prescriptions to help correct motor patterns, i.e., movements that contribute to reduced performance or pain. Backcare & Acupuncture Clinic aims to help you live life to the fullest, free from pain. The clinic also has a branch at 15 Kings Road, Sutton Coldfield, B73 5AB.”
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