“Littlegarth School is one of the leading primary schools in Colchester, UK. The school was founded in 1940 by Miss Barbara Erith and Miss Betty Mallett. The primary school is dedicated to encouraging lifelong learning in a safe, stimulating and nurturing environment. Their children have wonderful access to participating in sports at a high level, as well as taking advantage of their outdoor classroom in the Forest School. Their children are encouraged to have a positive and ambitious attitude to life and learning at all times. Littlegarth School provides a well-balanced and wide curriculum. Their staff really work hard to ensure the continuous development of each child, placing particular emphasis on literacy & numeracy skills. They offer opportunities for children to be challenged and experience success which stimulates their confidence across all areas of the curriculum. Littlegarth School offers a well-balanced and broad curriculum, fosters self-discipline and high standards, maintains a high level of classroom excellence, and provides the best environment for children.”
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