Here’s The Deal:
Step by Step Recovery and Step by Step Housing are interconnected services in Southend-on-Sea offering residential detox, treatment and supported housing for people affected by substance misuse, addiction, and other behavioural disorders. They specialise in providing addiction treatment for all, allowing people to overcome addiction to live healthy, happy lives. The centre offers drug detox and drug rehabilitation for people who need help to stop and stay stopped. They provide a complete journey, from detoxification and primary treatment to aftercare and, if required, safe, secure, abstinence-based housing. They employ a unique, bespoke approach to personal healing from alcohol and drug addiction as well as behavioural issues. Their trained staff are always available to provide confidential advice via phone. The Centre offer individual one-to-one counselling, free aftercare, and support for one year after treatment. Their aftercare program is designed to support lasting recovery. Expert help and advice are available 24/7 at Step by Step Recovery.
3 Best Rehab Centres in Southend On Sea, UK
Expert recommended Top 3 Rehab Centres in Southend On Sea, UK. All of our rehab centres actually undergo a rigorous 50-Point Inspection, which includes local reviews, history, business standards, ratings, satisfaction, trust, price and their trading excellence. You deserve only the best!
Since 2019
Here’s The Deal:
Infinity Addiction Solutions is a well-known rehab centre. Infinity Addiction Solutions was founded in 2019 by their CEO and Managing Director, Mr Ian Mann. They offer discreet, confidential advice, guidance and consultation for accessing inpatient detox, rehab clinics, outpatient psychological therapies and recovery programs throughout the UK. They also deliver accredited CPD training, educational workshops, and consultancy to employers and organisations that face some of the challenges associated with substance misuse in the workplace. Their professionals go the extra mile and are always willing to adapt to deliver excellence. At Infinity Addiction Solutions, they guide family members on courses of action that will put their loved one on the path to recovery, and they support the family unit simultaneously. They are available for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and they will continue to be even after you’ve left their treatment facility.
Working Hours:
TBR® Inspection Report:
Since 2014
Here’s The Deal:
Cumberlege Intermediate Care Centre is one of the professional rehab centres in Southend on Sea, UK. The centre provides short-term, goal-based rehabilitation programs to patients in their homes to prevent admission. Cumberlege Intermediate Care Centre offers a 22-bed Rehabilitation Unit based in Southend on Sea for residents who live in the Southend Borough Council geological area. They help you to overcome addictions and achieve your goals. The team includes nurses, rehabilitation assistants, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, therapy assistants, discharge coordinators, housekeepers, and GPs. Their trained staff are ready to offer confidential advice over the phone. Also, they provide inpatient rehabilitation and discharge planning to adults who require rehabilitation and therapy. At Cumberlege Intermediate Care Centre, patients are cared for 24 hours a day and encouraged to be independent with the support of therapy and rehabilitation assistants.