“Sky Light Acupuncture Clinic provides treatment for many physical health complaints, mental health disorders, and emotional well-being. The clinic is licensed by the Birmingham City Council. Gagandeep Aulak is a traditional acupuncturist at Sky Light Acupuncture Clinic. She graduated from The Acupuncture Academy in early 2018 and was awarded a Distinction for the Professional Licentiate in Acupuncture. Her training was extensive and covered all aspects of Chinese medical and acupuncture theory, focusing on the five-element approach. She is also qualified in Moxibustion, Cupping, Gua-sha, and Tui-na massage techniques. During each treatment, her focus is on the patient as an individual, and all symptoms are seen as part of an interconnected pattern. Sky Light Acupuncture Clinic provides convenient free street parking facilities on the road outside, which has lots of free parking.”
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